Why Test With NXTSTAT

Why Test With NXTSTAT

Track Progress & Set Benchmarks

Show one’s progress or lack thereof over time. It also allows us to compare a single individual to the group (benchmarks).

Identify “Low Hanging Fruit”

Using the data from force plates we can identify significant areas of need, and focus more in those areas.

Discover & Assess Risk Factors

Once we know an athlete moves with concerning characteristics, we can make appropriate recommendations.

Establish a Baseline of Function

Similar to baseline tests that are being done in schools for concussions. Before returning to play, the athlete can be retested to make sure he/she is fully recovered.

Determine Readiness & Fatigue

We gather information about an athlete’s level of neuromuscular readiness/fatigue. When fatigue does exist performance and injury risk become more concerning.

Save & Track Performance Data

Our software allows long term storage of data that an athlete will have access to.

Frequently Asked Questions

What ages do you test?
We created a youth sports platform for 8 year olds to college age players who want the unique combination of an Athlete Profile to build an accurate history of your athletic career combined with...
Is it expensive to test with NXTSTAT?
Our mission is to deliver a scalable testing model that allows sports science testing to be available to everyone at an affordable price. Bulk pricing for Sports Clubs or Schools starts around $50 per...
Why create an Athlete Profile on NXTSTAT?
Three reasons: First, because sports science gives you actionable ways to train and impact your game; second, because having a single Athlete Profile you can share with college coaches with accurate...

NXTSTAT is Used and Trusted By

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